Take your innovation to the next level, greatly reduce your patent costs, and learn the secrets to negotiating intellectual property agreements. Learn the Tips and Tricks that the pros are afraid to tell you. Pro Tips and Tricks teaches you how to get the most out of your patents or innovation program using previously undisclosed industry secrets! Designed for individual inventors to professional intellectual property managers, Pro Tips and Tricks reveals the secrets to help you turbocharge your results.Reviews“…several ideas and pro tips that I had not considered before …” “…already begun to use several of them in the day to day …” Patent Portfolio Manager Fortune 20 Company“I wish this book had been written many years ago as it could have served as a guidebook for my teams.” Former Innovation Program Manager Fortune 10 companyI wish I'd had this book 20 years ago! Dennis Dohogne, P.E.“…accomplished what every author should strive for: delivering a complicated and dry topic in an entertaining and memorable format.” Honest Opinion